Saturday, December 22, 2018

Fern Turns 7.

In a parenting-girls book I read this year, it described the stage that Fern is in as the Adventurous Years. She likes running around, exploring, PLAYING, and doing a variety of things. The section perfectly described where Fern is-loves nesting in her room, chatting with friends, and running around the neighborhood.

We use to worry about her shyness and how we could help her when she's feeling overwhelmed. There were years that she couldn't handle the birthday song, but she's really let a lot of that fall away. Not that shyness is a bad thing, but at times it kept her from so much! I look at these pictures from November and see a girl who full-throttle enjoyed her birthday. Presents, friends, playing, and celebrating all came so naturally to her. 

On her actual birthday, we gave her presents (including a caboodle!) and had dessert (proudly served by Burl) after our dinner. 

We had a simple friends party right after school on Friday afternoon. There's a park close by that we used. I grabbed a carload of kids and blared Shake It Off as they went wild and sang at the top of their lungs with the windows down. As I pulled up to the park, John saw me and laughed. He knew that this was a personal mom-highlight for me. 

Despite the cold, the kids ran around and had a great time. "Kids will always find a way to have fun," I read this year. So true. I don't know where the quote is, but it's accurate and why this stage is so great. 

We had a great family dinner with the cousins and grandparents where she got great attention and spoils! 

We closed out our celebrations with a treat for John and me. We took our girl out to dinner. This is our favorite way to celebrate. It's a parental indulgence. 

This seven year old business is so big. I will always miss my children being babies, but it doesn't hurt when this stage is so exciting. We love our seven year old Fern and look forward to this year! 

Cades Cove Field Trip

What a perfect time to hit Cades Cove! Fern's grade chartered two buses and took the kids for a full day field trip. The colors were unlike anything that I've seen before. The winding road to get there was coated in rich, gold hues contrasted with the darkness of the bark. It felt like it was glowing. While the kids made potty jokes, I kept interrupting with "Guys aren't the colors awesome?"

Within a few minutes of entering the park, we got to see a six point buck!

But, nothing was as amazing as surprising Burl and his buddy that they got to skip school and join us. We grabbed Fern and Asher and they got to ride the loop, unbuckled with the back open while they ate junk food. There is no other thrill than that! 

Not only did I enjoy the colors, I loved being a fly on the wall as I listened to their elementary school discussions. I love the baby stage, but this stage offers a different kind of fun! Kids, they're awesome. 

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Lark Days

Finally, I have some time with my baby and me! When Ridge goes to school, I get a few hours of Lark time. It's really the best. Sometimes we have to use that time for errands, but sometimes he gets to do something at home totally FOR HIM.

A favorite toddler activity of mine has been sink time. The sink is empty of dirty dishes, I put some towels on the ground, pull up a chair, strip toddler down to a diaper and give them some plastic cups and measuring cups to enjoy. This was Lark's first time doing it and he stayed very busy while I watched him work. Those bare shoulders get me-so soft to kiss!

Whether it's a sweet activity like this or boring grocery shopping, we always do a lot of eye contact, smiling, and tickling. It's nice to have him by himself to go slow and enjoy. If you've been around here for a while, then you know that one-on-one time with any of my children is something that I really treasure. They offer more of themselves and I have more attention to take it all in. 

The absolute best part of my Lark days is when we eat lunch at the counter together-he has started to reach for my hand! He likes to hold hands while we eat together! I'm tearing up right now thinking about this big small gesture that I would have never known if other kids were around. My big baby is such a joy and I'm so grateful for one day a week with him. 
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