Sunday, October 4, 2015

Father-Son Camping Trip

John took kindergarten Burl for a father-son camping trip and brought back middle school Burl. The picture above is the proof. Even though he has always looked bigger/older than he is, this picture took my breath away. He's getting older, bigger, less-baby, and "letting go" is happening on all fronts. 

I'm amazed at how well the kindergarten transition is going for Burl. He's really learning. Really growing. Really doing well. It's exceeding my expectations, and I can get emotional easily when I start talking about it. 

Last Friday he got "star student" for doing well for the whole week. When he came home and told me, I've never seen Burl so proud. He was genuinely excited over what he did. Then, two hours later, he left to go with "just Daddy" on a camping trip. He was beyond thrilled! 

John was reporting back to me, then came home with more stories. They had a beautiful time. Canoeing, exploring, waterfalls, fire, drawing maps, and doing everything together, their words. I was happy for them. When we do fun things like this, we call it "money in the bank" and wonder what will stick in their long-term memory. Based on the buzz they brought home, this trip is going to stick. 

Star-student and his first camping trip made for a good weekend for this goofball. 


  1. It sounds like they had a wonderful time together! it's a great idea for parents to spend one on one time with their kids. I think it's the best way to truly bond with your children, it's crazy how fast they grow up and we must cherish these times while we can. It's lovely to see how you're all getting along!

    Andrea Wilkins @ Get Away Outdoors

  2. Due to lightweight, they are great for car camping as well. Unit can be dismantle for easy storage and transportation. Click for more info


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