Sunday, March 5, 2017

Lark's First Days

"Ok the angel blog has been up for too long. You can hold a baby in one hand and blog with the other." -my dad, with an attitude. Here I sit with a baby asleep in my lap and I'm blogging about the first month of his life. What a sweet gift he is!


February was a great month for our family: we became complete. Lark Christian was born (our fourth and final) and we spent the whole month adoring him. It was a very slow and full month. 

Going through my February pictures accurately paints the picture: bed head and jammies. I remember several times folding the children's laundry thinking, "this is all underwear and jammies" because we spent most of our time snuggling. Lark was snuggled from one set of arms to the next, some being more aggressive than others *cough, Ridge, cough*. 

Truly, it's been magical and almost sacred. Lark has spent most of his first days in my arms. I've carried him everywhere. This is my last baby, and I'm not setting him down!

We've spent the majority of our time at home, where all these pictures were taken. I've worked on leaving my camera out so I capture these precious and dear times: 

He is adored by the whole family and we are happy to have him here. What a sweet season for us. I hope I always remember this feeling. 

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