Saturday, March 3, 2012

Burl Is About To Turn 2

Burl is about to turn two years old on Monday and I'm very excited.  I thought that I would be sad about him becoming older.  I'm not.  I'm so happy about him and all the new things that he does.  He is at such a fun age, and I think that I say that all the time.

From what I've been told, it gets better and better with each stage and I'm choosing to believe them because so far I agree with them.  I once read an article where a gal with young kids like mine said that she asked her father-in-law which was his favorite stage of his children.  I can't remember everything that he told her, but basically he went through each stage and talked about the joys of each...babies are cute and precious and fun; kids are cool and eager to do stuff; teenagers are growing and becoming their own person; then they're adults and it's so cool to watch them be adults and become parents (even though I won't pressure my kids to be parents if they don't want to, but being a grandparent seems pretty cool).  

With much excitement, Burl carries his party invitations to the mailbox.

That father-in-law from the article never picked a stage.  He enjoyed each one for what they were. I hope that's me.  I'm only at year 2, so I'm don't have a ton of experience with my children growing older.  From what I can tell, everyday is great!  That's what I like.  Excitement and joy over everyday with my children.    

I compare the picture above of Burl at 4 months to the picture below of Burl this week, and I just smile.  My how he's grown.  How he's grown into this fun little guy who is eager to help me cook, who peals the carrots and sneaks a bite.

This 2 business, I like it.  Monday we're going to celebrate all day.   Balloons, fun activities, special food, and a lot of smiling.  I'm excited!  I'm not in a rush for him to grow older, I'm just enjoying the ride while it lasts.


  1. Enjoy. EVERY. Second. They are only little once and you are really and truly so very lucky.
    Happy birthday, Burl!

  2. Happy Birthday Burl!
    I'm very jealous you can have an outdoor party in March. You could NEVER plan a March birthday outside in Chicago :(.
    That picture of Fern on the counter needs to be in a magazine and sold for millions. I LOVE IT.

  3. Oh, he's just so precious, and I think you're doing such an amazing job of being in the moment. You seem to really appreciate and value the time you have with the children you've been given - what a gift! Blessings to your family, and happy birthday, Burl!

  4. I LOVED age 2 with my older son, and I am loving so far again with my younger one. At two they can talk enough to be useful and adorable but not yet abrasive or obnoxious. :)

    All of the photos in here are adorable. (And Burl at four months - so funny and cute!)

    Congrats on the shout-out from the Nester, btw! That's awesome!

  5. I completely agree with the father-in-law in the article. My firstborn is now 24 and while I absolutely loved every single moment of her childhood, as well as the childhoods of my three younger daughters, I would never want to go back. Each age and stage brings new delights and there is incredible satisfaction in watching your babies turn into happy, healthy, productive adults.

    My only advice is to enjoy every season of your child's life to its fullest (and laugh at the parts that you honestly cannot enjoy) so that when that phase has ended, you will feel satisfaction rather than loss. Enjoy the ride!

  6. i cannot stop laughing at the picture of him in the bumbo. hilarious. funny that i met him two years ago today. happy burl-day!

  7. Happy Birthday Burl! And that pic of him in the bumbo is hilarious!! It's amazing how much he's grown.


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