Saturday, March 10, 2018

Valentine's Day 2018

Last Valentine's Day Lark was 12 days old and I can't remember if we did anything special at all to celebrate. Typically, I like to do something small. Special drinks at lunch, a small gift (the kids still talk about the great year when I bought them carabiners and rope), a candlelight dinner, etc. With the barn door closed on making and nursing babies, I felt excited to celebrate the special day this year. 

We gifted the kids bubble bath (mainly for the babies) and a beta fish (mainly for the big kids). The fish has been a big hit! The day after the we gave them the fish, they all had to eat breakfast with it. More on pet life later...

The Saturday following Valentine's Day, we picked up on a tradition that the kids have been begging for: sushi and egg rolls. We did it once before and they talk about it frequently. They were so little back then! The deal is that girls make egg rolls and boys make sushi. The kitchen is full of voices, movement, music, and parental patience. It's a pitiful show of skills, but the pride is still there. Sometimes the best flavors are hard work earned and enjoyed!

It was another fun year celebrating our family's love for one another. Maybe by the time that they're teenagers, we will be like professionals. For now, enthusiasm outweighs appearance and happiness erases fighting. We thank Jesus for this family regularly.

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