Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Finally! A Hike

I've really been looking forward to blogging about this little hike. Illness hit us (a reminder that we've actually been pretty healthy this season), so I've fallen behind on some of our goings and comings. Before the end of the year, however, we were able to get in our first local hike of 2018!

Besides our camping trips, we hadn't hiked in 2018! It's crazy to me, because it's meant so much to our family. When I look back at the year, I remember that we've spent a lot of time doing baseball then the bathroom reno that never stops.

John and I made a commitment to get in a hike over Christmas break. First, we passed this trail on the way to another trail on a land trust. When we got there, it was closed. I was so upset-what a setback with four kids! Anyways, we went back to this small, there-n-back spot that's not as interesting. 

My attitude quickly turned around because of the kids. Children are wired to have fun-they're always looking for it and always making it. Burl was especially adorable as he felt unleashed and could run ahead, going as fast as he wanted and climbing whatever he could!

An exciting part of the trail is that it passes under the Incline Railway and passengers always wave back!

Another highlight was finding the recently developed boulder fields just off the trail. This was a great surprise. We had so much fun exploring, climbing, and making loud noises. This spot off the guild trail was perfect for our family. We were really impressed with it! So much so, that I returned there with the two littles with some mom friends and their kids a week later. 

As I remember this trip, I remember how happy I felt. I told John that I really want to do more hiking this year. While I've heard some hilarious comments about hiking (there's no vending machine out there/it's just a walk in the woods), I don't relate. It calms me, it excites me, and it makes feel happy in a way that I can't fully understand. I'm so interested in it. As the country song goes, "I like it. I love it. I want some more of it."

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