Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas Exchange 2010

Like always, we had a ton of fun.  Here are the girls, what they brought, and some interesting facts that I learned about them:

{I didn't get a picture of Julie, so I got my favorite picture off of her blog.  Her blog is hilarious-think smart people humor.  If you want to read what this picture is about, click here.}

{How did I forget to get a goofy picture of myself?}

Here's what everyone took home:


  1. So i'm reading this, noting all the interesting facts about each of us, thinking, "Wow, I remember that about her...but not that...I guess Meg just knows that about her..."

    And then I get to my little photo.


    Made up as it may be, you've got me pinned. Well, all except for that uncooked pasta bit. I much prefer cooked and with lots of butter.

  2. What a neat idea to do a cookie swap. Sounds like a fun night!

  3. That looks like fun! I love the personal descriptions on each of the girlfriends photos. SO LOL!


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