Friday, April 6, 2012

All Boy

I think Burl is a very pretty boy.  But pretty is not a word we use to describe boys, now is it?  It especially doesn't fit this boy.  This boy that everyone asks, "he is all boy, isn't he?"

These pictures show that he is all boy.  Meaning, he likes the rowdiness of playtime in the front yard.  Mowing, baseball, screaming, throwing, and general rowdiness are the names of his games.  And I love it and it's all good fun and I can't believe that I get to see it and be with him.  

He has a soft side too.  We let him play things that are girlish.  He has a grocery cart with food and he loves to play eat. He loves to put his animals to bed.  Just yesterday, he spent the day at my in-laws.  Usually Fern goes as well, but this time she stayed with me.  They told me that he missed her, because he quickly became fond of one of the dolls at their house.  He changed her diaper, powdered her bottom, gave her a bottle, burped her, and loved on her.

I'm sure that a sociologist would love to tell me what's going on with all this play, and I would probably love to hear it because that stuff interests me.  However, today, I just want to focus on all these fun pictures that I snagged of him the other morning.  

One of his new things that he does is exercise.  He is a toddler, and in true toddler fashion, he copies what he sees.  A few days a week, he sees John and I do little exercise moves.  Lunges anyone?

When he goes down to start the leg lifts, he makes sure we're watching.  He likes for someone to count for him.  And we do.  We count.  

We usually stop at 2 or 3 and move quickly to the next thing: squats.  There are a few other moves that he does.  Some stretches and such.  And I'm so glad that I finally got pictures of these exercises.  It's about the cutest thing in the world.

Oh these babies, toddlers, kids, and teenagers are just great.  This is why I love kids.  They constantly have me entertained.  

And this is why I love my Burl.  When it's all said and done, nothing is better than a good roar.

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