Monday, January 10, 2011

National Letter Writing Week

Dear Reader, 

Do you know what week it is?  If you read the title of this post, then you know that it is National Letter Writing Week.  Up until a few weeks ago (when I read the January issue of Real Simple), I did not know that there was such a week.  Winter just got better in my book!  This week, my blog posts will be dedicated to writing letters.  

Letters are just about the best things in the world.  I think that we should all write more letters to our friends, family, and acquaintances.  A simple letter in the mail does nothing less than make someone's day great.  That might sound over-dramatic but it's not.  Think about it: have you ever received a personal letter in the mail that DIDN'T make you smile? 

 (I know these are gift tags, but the to/from theme fits and they are just so cute!)

Just last week I received a thank you letter from a girl who just had twins.  She was thanking me for a meal that I brought her back in September.  It's been quite a long time, but I didn't mind getting it late.  Actually, I was even more flattered because she remembered and she made it a point to still thank me even though I didn't even expect a thank you letter at all.  In it she apologized for the delay and said that she was busy with everything and "if she gets a shower once a week, she considers it a luxury."   Understood, sister, un.der.stood.

So, I want to ask you, what letter have you been meaning to write that you haven't?  Wouldn't National Letter Writing Week be a perfect time to finally send that thank you, that encouragement, that condolence, that just'cause letter?  

Grab your stationary, pen, and head to a cool nook (like this slammin' bathroom).
Think about it. Write it. Address it. Send it.

Love, Meg

ps...the Post Office wouldn't mind the extra circulation.  If you haven't heard, they ain't doing to well.

(The average number of mail pieces processed each second by the USPS.)

1-2 pictures from here


  1. just the encouragement I need to write some friends I've been thinking of!
    thanks Meg!

    (btw - LOVE the new header!)


  2. You've convinced me! One of my goals is to write 365 Thank You notes this year. I'm going to get a HUGE chunk of them done in the next couple of snowed in days. :)

    Leaving the House in THIS?!?!


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