Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I'm linking up with the Pleated Poppy for What I Wore Wednesday.  Every Wednesday she posts what she wore the previous week.  It's her effort to keep herself accountable and out of sweats. 

For whatever reason, I thought it would be fun to try it.  Here are some things that I learned:

1. I dressed better.
2. My "better" dress is still pretty lame.
3. I want to be saucier, but I don't want to be saucy.  
4. In the middle of my WIWW, I stopped at the Gap Outlet and LOADED up.  It was kind of like shopping for groceries when I'm hungry.
5. From the claw to the hook to the teacup, I have a wide variety of ways of holding my camera.
6. I've got to figure out how to make these pictures look less grainy.  Suggestions?

Here goes nothing:

Boot Cut Jeans-Walmart
Cardigan (with a satin trim)-Old Navy
Work at the Gap/Dinner at the In Laws:
Flare Jeans-Walmart
Ruffle shirt-embellished by me
Ruffle Cardigan-Banana (clearance)
Birkenstocks-my staple.

Groceries/Errands/Lunch with Danimal and pretty much what I wore all weekend at the cabin:
Lounge Pants-Gap
(One of the things that I had to have for girls weekend were some good lounge pants.  I had some, but they are on their way out of my life.  My friends have discussions on where the best lounge pants are and if they are ok to run out in public.  My problem is that they are always too short and I end up getting a huge size just so they barely brush the ground.  They hang down real low.  Gap just launched a great new line of pants that come in long and short.  If you are interested purchasing them, click HERE.  If you want a 40% off coupon, let me know.  I'll hook you up.)

Friends house (for invitation making)
Huge Cowl Neck Sweater-Gap Outlet, Girls Weekend, less than $10
Flare Jeans: Walmart

Underneath the sweater is this fun tee:
Fun flower tee-Gap Outlet, Girls Weekend

Women's Bible Study/Work at the Gap:

Believe it or not, this is dressy for me, like I was nervous that people were going to ask me "what's the occasion, Meg?"  No one did.  I might just keep this saucy thing up.

Skinny Jeans-Walmart (go HERE right now and get some, even if you don't think you look good in skinny jeans.  Try them.  They are $12.)
Long Sweater Tank with Sparkles-Gap Outlet
Cardigan-Old Navy
Flats-Gift from Mom, got them at a dollar store.
Dragonfly Necklace-Ardent Sparrow

Looking at all the pictures, I've decided one thing:
I've GOT TO GET NEW SHOES!  I hate shopping (or wearing) shoes.  I like being comfortable over everything else.  I wear a size 11.  But no more excuses.  Operation Klass-It-Up!


  1. What cute outfits. Looks a lot like my wardrobe. I love that flower t-shirt!

  2. the "cow-neck" sweater made me lol. really.

  3. The Editor says: "Cowl."

    I'll withhold my previous comments about WIWW participants (maybe I'm just jealous 'cause I only have 2 pairs of pants that fit!).

  4. How embarrassing...and I work at the Gap!!!

    Edit made, let's never mention this again!

  5. Love the cutie outfits! Try more light in your room for a less grainy photo.

  6. LOVE that you joined the wiww party - made me miss it! :) You've got great style. Just be who you are and try not to get burdened by what everyone else is doing! You're doing it up just right all on your own!


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