Thursday, July 28, 2011

Indoor Plants

It's no secret that I love seeing greenery and plants and flowers in a home.  Really love.  I'm not exactly sure why.  I think it has something to do with being nurturing.  Like, "welcome to this home.  We can nurture plants, so we can nurture relationships."

A little dramatic?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  But it's true that I feel more at home in someone's house if they have  

So, I'm attempting to do the same.  I've added some plants here and there, tried to stay regular with the watering schedule, and moved them if I think they need more/less light.  I feel a difference already.  

Another thing that I've noticed is that the cuter the pot-the better.  My terracotta pots can only look cute so many times.  I've painted some, and I just got some rustic bucket-like things my mom got me for my birthday.  I'm moving on up, ladies.  Movin' on up.  Cue music.


  1. Very nice, it creates such a calm atmosphere - your home is so gorgeous! x

  2. thrift stores = great pots

    BBV has a great selection although I wish they were a bit cheaper. While they are nice for plants, I like them for lots of other things: cds, markers, utensils, stuff.


  3. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh.

    "Like, 'welcome to this home. We can nurture plants, so we can nurture relationships.'"

    I hope that isn't totally true! Because I can't keep a plant alive to save my life. Please don't assume the same is true for my relationships! Going to hyperventilate now... ;)

    {Yours look lovely though.}

    Annnnnnnnnnnd, I finally added you to the blogroll. Rather belatedly if I do say so myself.

  4. Hi Meg,

    My name is Maria, I have a blog called Dreamy Whites. I just wanted to congratulate you, you are the lucky winner of Jeanne Oliver's Camera Bag.....Thank you so much for participating in my giveaway.... I know you will absolutely love your new camera bag! : )
    Can you please email me at with your shipping information.
    Have a great week!
    Take Care,

  5. Lucky girl...plants and winning contests? Me, I have kept a cactus alive for four years...I am super excited.
    Hope you are chillaxing in the pool on this hot, hot day.


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