Friday, February 10, 2012

Comfortable With My Blog

It's a funny thing, this blogging.  I think that I'm just now getting to a place where I am comfortable talking about my blog.  Doesn't that sound awful?

This is what I'm talking about: I've filled out several forms and surveys in my life that ask me my hobbies.  For the most part, I haven't had any.  I never had good answers.  "Hanging out with friends" doesn't seem to fit the hobby department, but I would write it down anyways.  As my hobby.  Without anything else.  Sometimes I might write "babysitting."  In the past few years, I just started to develop hobbies.  It happened after I got married.  I think that it might have something to do with being married to the most stable person I've ever met to free me up to find things that are fun.  Stability is freeing to me.  That's not really where I'm going with this-that's just a little bit of personal perspective to enjoy.

About a month ago, I had to fill out another survey.  Hobbies showed up again.  I listed some of my official hobbies: running, reading, crafting.  And I did it.  I proudly wrote down "blogging" on my list of hobbies.  It felt normal and right and good at the time.  After the survey was submitted, I started thinking about the fact that I listed blogging as a hobby.  

I don't like that because there is a stigma around anything online.  It seems that anything online (facebook, blogs, email, etc) is only valid if it's very sparingly used.  "I'm hardly ever on Facebook" becomes a statement of pride.  Well, guess what?  I'm pretty much always on Facebook.  I'm not sitting in front of the computer all the time, but it's open and I see it from afar if I'm in the room.  I'm a people-person through and through and giving me another tool to connect with people is stellar.  I spend time with people face-to-face on a regular basis and my life goes on outside of Facebook, but it's great to see pictures, read what's going on, and post videos.  My cousins and I even have our own little Facebook page where we post funny stuff and inside jokes and it's great because we don't live in the same place but we still connect.

Blogs are great too.  For this stay-at-home mama, I can find blogs on parenting, mothering, nesting, dressing, crafts, marriage, and other little stuff that interest me.  It's a great outlet and I can honestly say that it's been helpful to me to read and see other things that are out there.  My parent's generation had magazines, which are like blogs but more polished, more formal, and less real.  

So, here I am with my little blog.  My little way of enjoying life.  I like to talk about the things that interest me: making things, my home, funny things that happen, stationary, food, adventures, and my family.  John, Burl, Fern, and the extended family.  Writing about it helps me process my thoughts and remember my life and have fun along the way.

And I'm going to be honest, it helps to know that a few people show up and read my blog and give me feedback.  That's very exciting for me.  Thank you to all my real life, in person friends who respond to things I post.  Thanks to those few people that I haven't met that do the same.  It's all helped me to become comfortable with my blog, and even more, it's helped me become comfortable with who I am.


  1. Well said, Meg! I've never thought of blogging as a hobby... but I will from now on. It takes away some of the "pressure" to produce or to fit myself (& my blog) into a specific genre.

    (& I'm on fb alot too - thanks for the courage to OWN IT!) :)

    1. Becky, please leave me your email address or email me at I'll see you on FB! ha

  2. I've always loved to read and would imagine myself being a story writer one day. I too also used to write in a diary every single day. While I am not an official writer nor do I write in a diary every day either, I find that blogging, even to complete strangers, is a great outlet for me. It's a project tracker of sorts too by looking at all that I've done and what I still want to do.

  3. As someone who doesn't know you in real life, I can't even remember how I stumbled onto your blog. But I enjoy your writing and even like finding out about your kids!

  4. I love this. I am a work-at-home-non-mom so I'm stuck in a home office all day, all week and social media is a great way for me to remember I'm not the only person on earth. I really enjoy your blog and am glad you're proud to write it!

  5. I haven't ever commented but i absolutely love your blog! I love all your posts from home projects to posts about your kids:). I am a stay at home Mom with a little crafty business on the side and am ALWAYS doing new projects around our old house and i often come to your blog for ideas and inspiration! I've been wanting to start up a blog about my adventures in motherhood, our house projects and my small business but i always end up feeling like there are so many out there about the same thing and no one would read mine! I know i would really enjoy it though and it would be a wonderful outlet for me also. I think you have given me a little nudge to get it started :).

    You do such a great job on here!

  6. First, these pictures are stunning.

    Second, yay for blogging comfort. And why have I never thought of blogging as a hobby? Duh. Thanks for pointing that out.

    Third, I love that this post de-stigmatizes Facebook usage. I, like you, am on it pretty consistently because I, like you, am a people person and love any opportunity to connect!!!

    Great post, lady.

  7. Blog away girl. I love it. I look forward to those happy pictures of your family. Keep up the good work!

  8. Good for you! I enjoy your blog so keep up the good work!!


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