Friday, February 3, 2012

Fabric Flower: Quick & Easy

On Wednesday I had a spur of the moment, all-amazing crafternoon.  I think that I did 6-7 craft projects during the kids' nap time.  It was bombastic!  (For the record, spell check accepted bombastic as legit.)  One of the things that I did was take some of Burl's clothes and girl-o-fy them for Fern.  

First up was a little brown hoodie.  I made a flower pin for it with some fabric that I had.  It's one of my favorite flowers because it's somewhat imperfect looking and it's so easy to make.  I use a sewing machine to make it, but I'm pretty sure that I could do with my hot glue gun instead.  Or a stapler.  No lie.

Here I go.  A little tutorial on how to make the mostest quickest and mostest easiest fabric flower:

Sewing Machine (or glue gun or stapler)
Piece of fabric
Needle and Thread

Step 1: cut a rectangle out of that pretty fabric
Step 2: Fold it long way.  Wrong sides together (like the picture below)
Step 3: Sew (glue or staple) the three sides with raw edges.  

Step 4: Fold again.  Short sides together.  Picture below.
Step 5: Sew the short, raw edge side together.

It will look like a loop, ring kind of thing.  Someone's little chubby hands is holding an example in the picture below.  Oh, those toddler hands!

Step 6:  Needle and thread it at the bottom of the long, raw edge.
I did this in the picture below with pink thread.

Step 7: Pull to gather.
Step 8: Run the needle through the pulled edge to close it and secure it.
Step 9: Open the flower,  mess with it until it looks imperfectly perfect.
That's it.  That's all it requires to make it!

To attach it, there are several options.
To attach it to the hoodie, I hot glued a pin to the back of it.  

One of the other crafts that I managed to squeeze into my crafternoon was that aqua pillow down there.  I made a pillow out of a tablecloth that had a hole in it.  I thought the pillow needed a little flower.  To attach that flower, I simply used a lot of hot glue and pressed that sucker on there.

I think it took longer for me to type this out than it does to make the Quick & Easy Flower.  It's so easy, so simple and so fun!  I've made this flower before.  I used it on the ruffle wreath that I made.  Very fun.  Very cute.  Very easy.  

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