Monday, October 10, 2011

Burl and Reading

When Burl was an infant, I was determined that he was going to be a solid reader by the time he turned one, reading chapter books by two.  We spent time together reading baby books, kids books, and at one time we started the Chronicles of Narnia. 

Somewhere along the way, that slowed.  Sitting for an entire book seemed impossible.  My hopes for Burl to be asked to join Mensa were shattered.

However, my little friend, Patty, told me that it was ok.  He was going through a phase-most kids do-and he would soon show an interest in books again.

She was right.  His interest in books has sparked again.  Often, when people come over, he takes them a book and wants them to read it.  The current favorites being Oh The Thinks You Can Think and Little Blue Truck.  Deb and Heidi were no different.  Deb is a teacher, so she knows just how to captivate a child with a book.  She does the voices, uses inflections, and it very engaging. Burl was enthralled.   

Naturally, I thought it was a great time to try out some reading times.  However, it was not the same as reading at home.  I'm not sure we're there yet.  Burl is more interested in throwing the crayons during the craft and enjoying the snacks.  

Then, there is the train set.  This is where we spent most of our time.  Instead of forcing him to sit through the whole story, I decided that letting him work on the trains was just fine.

Especially when he's systematically cramming them into the bridge.

Something about that makes me just as proud as when he brings me a book.
Maybe this is a sign that Mensa will be calling after all.  


  1. Okay, so if Mensa doesn't call Hollywood might. Girl, that is one photogenic kid. I know brains over beauty and all that nonsense... but, I'm telling you, he is CUTE.

  2. LOVE the Little Blue Truck. Hubs and I have declared it as a favorite. When my little guy graduates to a "Big Boy" room, I hope to use it as inspiration for the decor. Oh, and right now, we're far more interested in EATING books, rather than reading them. I'll just keep reading until he starts to love it!

  3. Just saw this in the Linkwithin below your post. It cracked me up!! And, as someone who is a children's librarian, I appreciate seeing (remembering) the mom's perspective of children's storytime.


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