My life right now is so full in a good kind of way. I'm stuck between everything is changing and everything is staying consistently the same. While our family of four is staying pretty much the same, our family that reaches into our friend zone is evolving at such a fast pace. Everyone's worlds are changing on us, and I'm processing it in a funny way. Mainly, I don't know how I'm processing it. In a way I'm giving an update on how we are: we're fine. We're living life like we normally do, but things are different. We have friends living in whirlwinds and we feel it.
Here is our life: it looks the same, but it feels different. My Instagram pictures from this week:

Tomato-corn pie by me, but John did the crust. I loath crust-making anything, but John excels at it. See the proof. High five to eating in season and homemade crusts! Recipe via Smitten Kitchen.

I took this the first week I had an iPhone, only two months ago. This picture hurts because Home Alone Fern isn't that chubby anymore. She's passed her peak of baby chunk and has already started slimming down. John suggested a yogurt and ice cream diet to chunk her back up. I'm in.

What else does John do that I don't? Well, a lot actually, but this time of year, we all enjoy his garden. I've been eating my dad's eggs, scrambled with sauteed swiss chard and tomatoes. Walking outside every morning to pick some makes me feel all kinds of spiffy.


My little Ferny loves to just plop down anytime, anywhere and pop that thumb in her mouth. A little back rub and this girl is all kinds of cuteness. I love her.
Aaaaand, because I have a phone with a video, here are a couple of videos that I made this week:
Aaaaand, because I have a phone with a video, here are a couple of videos that I made this week:
Thanks for joining me and reading my blog. I have a lot of fun here sharing my life through words and photos (and a few videos).
Linking up with Life Rearranged
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