Thursday, October 21, 2010

Signed, Sealed, Delivered

Who's ready for a letter revolution?  I know it might not be on the top of the priority list for everyone, but it should be.  A letter in the mail GOES A LONG WAY-a very long way.

To get everyone in the mood for letter writing, let me offer some inspiration.

1.  A True Story.
A certain daughter-in-law had her husband's family over for dinner.  She made a house favorite-Potato Corn Chowder with a salad.  The chowder didn't taste as good as it usually does and the d.i.l. felt bad about it.  She wants to impress the in-laws as much as she can.  She hid her feelings and  inside felt embarrassed.  She almost emailed the family to apologize for the food, then realized that would be a bit self indulgent and didn't want to come off that insecure.

Two days after the dinner, the d.i.l. received a card from her mother-in-law.  {The m.i.l. reads the d.i.l.'s blog where she has written about how much she loves getting mail.}   The m.i.l. wrote that the soup and salad were wonderful and it was great to be with the family at the d.i.l.'s house.

The d.i.l. had some feelings.  She felt ashamed for trying to impress the in-laws.  They love her no matter how good the food is.  She felt relieved that she didn't have to gain their approval, she already had it.  She felt loved by the m.i.l. because she did such a nice thing at the right time.  And everyone lived happily ever after.

2.  A Great Book.
This is a great book to encourage and help the common man lady get in the letter-writing game...a quote:

"A personal letter takes longer to write than the few abrupt sentences you bang out without proofreading before you click on "send"; it taks longer to read than the blink-and-delete blitz that helps you purge your in-box...A letter deals with issues that deserve more than a minute of attention.  It aims to strengthen a relationship, not just react to a situation."

"Good letter writing feels much like good conversation, and it has the same power to nourish a relationship."

So, why haven't you written that letter?  Why not do it today?  It would be maa.vva.lus!

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